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Floodmatik wins prestigious Innovate UK funding

12 December 2022

We’re delighted that the new FloodmatiK automatic flood barrier passed the technical assessment for grant funding from Innovate UK with flying colours.  Our overall application scored 93 out of a possible 100 and our “idea” scored the maximum 100!

The new, automatic flood barrier was exhibited at Flood Expo on 14th and 15th September, where we met many potential partners and customers.  If you were unable to attend, please visit our website to find out more, or contact us.

Commenting on the Innovate UK grant funding news, Geoff Evans and Paul Fairhurst, Directors said “The independent endorsement of this innovative solution plus the injection of grant funding from Innovate UK means we can accelerate our launch plans. We can provide homeowners with automatic flood barriers that provide full protection and complete peace of mind.”

Over 5.6 million UK properties are currently at risk of flooding every year, with flooding becoming a more common, widespread, and extreme problem due to climate change.  Many victims of flooding feel unprepared and are often caught out by having little time to prepare.  Sometimes home owners are away from their properties when flooding occurs and have no opportunity at all to make preparations.  Elderly or vulnerable people often need help to prepare.

The unobtrusive FloodmatiK barriers deploy automatically in response to surface water or groundwater flooding, rising like a drawbridge to a vertical position to form a water-tight seal to the frame around the doorway.  No power source or human intervention is required.  Our short animation shows how the barrier operates.

If you would like to know more about Floodmatik, or register interest in purchasing, then please use the contact form on our website; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or follow our Linked In page