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Exceeding the British Standard by 25%!

21 February 2024

FloodmatiK has just successfully completed the first full wet test, where the external flood water level was raised to 750mm (the British Standard requires barriers to protect properties for floodwater of up to 600mm in depth).

The video taken during the test shows the FloodmatiK barrier rising automatically to protect “Dry Asa Bone cottage” as the rising floodwater naturally forces the float to lift the barrier fully in position long before any water arrives at the threshold.  Water continues to be added to the test tank, up to a height of 750mm at which point the video clearly shows that the barrier is performing exactly as designed, using the pressure of the water to act evenly and directly on a leak-proof seal against the frame around the doorway.  Click here to see the video for yourself!

Commenting on the test, Paul Fairhurst, Director of FloodmatiK Limited said “This is another major step in the development of FloodmatiK and keeps us firmly on track to begin full scale production of our revolutionary new product mid-2024, allowing our growing partner network to start confidently taking orders and installing FloodmatiK to protect homes and businesses from the ever-increasing risk of flooding with all the cost and disruption it brings.”

Geoff Evans, Director of FloodmatiK and inventor of the original concept added “It’s fantastic to see the original idea passing this key test and bringing the prospect of automatic flood barriers one step nearer for the many property owners who are threatened by flooding.”

To find out more about FloodmatiK or to register interest in joining our network of distributors, please use the contact form on this website, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or follow our Linked In page .